Monday, March 21, 2011


I feel like I repeat myself a lot. I am not in communication with God as I should be. I struggle with the same sins as I always have. I feel as if I am on a roller coaster of emotion a lot of the time....but you know I guess that is what being human is. Not saying that I should just quit and not work on all of these areas of my life and my walk with God which all need attention, but I am never going to be perfect. The concept of not being perfect is such a big deal for me to come to terms with.  I care way too much about most things. If it seems that I don't care I really do, but I am feigning apathy to convince myself that I don't.  God doesn't expect perfection from me.  He knows I am going to fall that doesn't mean that He is okay with my blatant disobedience of Him, but that His grace covers it.  Knowing that God loves me anyway is the only way I can deal with my imperfection.  His love is the only thing that carries me through. Even though I deal with comparing myself against others in the way I look, my academics, my personality I have to draw my peace from the only lasting peace giver, who is Christ.  Daily I am to be Christ in how I speak, listen, walk, and interact with others, but when I do fall I know that God is there to be okay with me falling short.  The sooner I am okay with not being perfect the closer I will be to who God intends for me to become.


  1. i thought i already posted a comment...
    take two...
    and i'm so glad.
    i love you.

  2. I am so glad as well! Love you!
